AAUW Tarrant County offers several Interest Groups for enrichment and fellowship. The interest groups are open to all members, who may visit the groups and decide to join any number of them. You may invite a friend interested in joining AAUW. Below you will find descriptions of the groups: Active Outings, Adelante Book Club, Great Discussions, Public Policy / Community Action, Cultural Outings, Movie Enthusiasts, New Members, Out to Lunch, Women and Wine, and the Women Writing group. For more information, please contact the leader of the group that interests you!
See our branch Calendar for dates when each group is gathering.
This group of avid readers meets monthly via Zoom on the third Monday from 10 am to noon for social time followed by a book discussion. When we can meet in person again, we will resume in members’ homes, with refreshments. We select great books by committee and have deep, meaningful discussions. Contact Leader Tina Caliga to be added to the email distribution list. 2023-24 Adelante Book Club List
Great Discussions – Currently Suspended
This group provides an opportunity to gather and discuss the important topics of the day. We meet monthly via Zoom on the second Saturday from 11 to 12 noon. Members are encouraged take turns suggesting topics, finding resource materials, and leading the discussion. Contact Tricia Deitz if you are interested in leading this group.
Community Service
This is a group for all who are passionate about cultural issues that impact women and girls and excited about stepping up our presence in the community.
Community service projects will be planned that is aligned with our AAUW Public Policy priorities. Contact Leader Marsha Abeson if you are interested in this group. See current projects where volunteers are needed.
Out to Lunch Group
Each month all interested members will meet at restaurants, on the 2nd Wednesday of the month from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. This is an opportunity to enjoy getting to know other members in a relaxed setting. When we can congregate in person, we will lunch together at a new or different restaurant each month.
Contact Leader Marla Parvey for more information and to be added to the email distribution list.
Women and Wine
Meets monthly for a relaxing time and conversation on the last Wednesday of the month from 4:30 to 5:30 pm at local restaurants and wine bars. Currently meeting via Zoom, at home for a Happy Hour. For further information and to RSVP, contact Margaret Duryee.
Women Writing Group
This creative writing group meets monthly via Zoom on the 4th Tuesday from 4 to 6 pm. Previously met at the Bellaire Ranch Apartment Clubhouse. For further information and to RSVP contact leader Eileen Frey by the Monday before the gathering.
Active Outings – Currently Suspended
Join us and enjoy indoor and outdoor adventures. We seek different opportunities to engage members in physical activities. Contact Tricia Deitz if you are interested in leading this group.
Periodically cultural outings will be arranged for our members. Those interested will go as a group to attend a performance or other cultural event, such as an art exhibit, musical performance, play or movie. A restaurant meal nearby may also be planned for the outing. Spouses and friends may join in. Contact Tricia Deitz if you are interested in leading this group.
Movies are voted on, watched independently and reviewed as a group. The group meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm for discussion and dessert. Spouses and significant others are welcome. Bring your ideas for coming movies and a date you can host. Contact Berry Bock by the Monday before the gathering.
Gatherings will be held for new members, as well as established members, to get to know each other. All are welcome to attend. We can learn and grow together, sharing our stories, old history, and new energy. Contact Membership VP Tricia Deitz, if you would like to host an event.